Sunday, 22 July 2012

Ideas for shopping ready made baju raya

as usual asal raya je mesti duk pikir nak beli kt mana ye baju raya yang cantik2
Meh dekat2 Na ada opinion for you ladies ;)

The fist one

Designed by Jovian Mandagie
Available at First Lady Boutique & just buy thru online at Zalora

Seriously i'm fall in love with Nurita Harith's design for 'baju raya'
so sweet :))

or u catch Rizalman Ibrahim's design at tesco

Dah beli?
the problem is baju raya dah beli
semua cantik2 and of course la costly sikit compared dengan baju2 yang dah ready made
yela designed by famous amos designer kan


kalau ada lemak yang berketak2,perut muncit mesti spoil mood nak raya kan
mesti raya lack of confident..of course! 
Baju raya yang mahal nampak murah jek
Don't worries darls ;)
Premium Beautiful creating perfect contour and well balanced posture
oh really?
yaaaaaaaaaaaa!! ;))

like mommy Naa Kamaruddin also faced with the problem after delivered her 1st child,Danial Ar-Rayyan

 1st Eid with danial, asik baju kurung longgar2 jer..sebab nak cover sad

one year after,semua buat baru, n modern kurung!why??
because of she had the perrrfect figure in with beaded chiffon kurung.

Happy Family were celebrated Eid Mubarak
of course!
Eid become more merrier with Premium Beautiful :))

contact me now to get the best price

019 3679730

psst:sorry for disturbing guys,i need business partner from Kedah,Selangor and Sarawak because of highly demand Premium Beautiful,so that i can pass to u guys for handle at those area.You also can get FREE Premium Beautiful once u help me..of course u want it contact me now

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